One of the ladies in our church made Anna Kate a special (and very yummy) pound cake for her birthday, decorated with a princess tiara and wand!
Anna Kate thought she was pretty special wearing that tiara - all day long! She really kept it on her head and loved waving the wand around! She wore it while she ate lunch...
She wore it while we played in the living room...
She wore it before we rocked to sleep...
Daddy came home about 30 minutes early from work so that he could have time to go to the park with us before dinner while it was still nice and sunny out (albeit a little cold!). We meant to take pictures, but forgot...oh well! Anna Kate wore her tiara to the park too!
When we got home we opened a few more presents from my family (she opened presents with Luke's family when they were here on Saturday for her party), and from us! (Note: the clothes on the back of the couch are the ones she picked out that morning)
Here's her gift from Mommy and Daddy! Not sure she'll really be using it any time soon, but she sure likes to sit on it!
After dinner she got to eat some more cake and then she was off to bed a little early because she'd had such an exhausting's hard being one!
She's got great taste in clothes!