Luke, Patty, Anna Kate, Caroline, and Eleanor

Luke, Patty, Anna Kate, Caroline, and Eleanor

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Caroline Funnies

Caroline definitely keeps us laughing. Sometimes she's trying to be funny, sometimes she's not, but either way, she's hilarious. Here are a couple from the last few weeks.

She has recently become a board and card game lover like her big sister. One of their favorites to play together is Go Fish. I overheard them tallying up their books at the end of a game. 

AK: I have eight books.
Caroline: I have five books, so...tied.

Every morning, Caroline is supposed to bring a pair of underpants downstairs with her so that she can change out of her nighttime diaper. She occasionally forgets and has to go back up the stairs to get some...which she hates doing. Because she's not quite awake for the first thirty minutes of her day. The other morning she came down and we had the following conversation:

Me: Caroline, where are your underpants?
Caroline: I forgot some. Are there some in the dryer?
Me: No, the laundry is all put away.
Caroline: SEE-WEE-ously?!? (Seriously?)   

She has become quite the pray-er lately. Her new favorite word to use in her prayers is "Holy." This morning she prayed the following prayer quite fervently and dramatically.

"God, we just thank you for your Holy Spirit that you gave to us, and this Holy house that you made for us."

Not quite sure about her theology just yet, but it's pretty cute.

And one we were leaving church the other night, Luke helped me get the girls in the van before going to get in his car. Caroline always buckles her top buckle, but needs help with the bottom one. Luke forgot to do it and left to get in his car. I started up the car and Caroline called from the back seat with an absolutely incredulous voice, "Mommy! I'm not buckled! Daddy just shut the door and LEFT me!" 

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