Although we were not going to be able to go worship with our church family this morning, I thought Anna Kate and I could do a little "Sunday School" on our own! Since Anna Kate needed a bath anyway, I thought that we could do something water-related for our lesson, so I decided on the story of Jesus walking on the water from Matthew 14. Here were the activities we did:
~Made blue finger paint (by cooking flour, water, and salt)
~Painted a picture of "water"
~Cut out a picture of Jesus and another of the disciples in a boat; colored them, and glued them to foam board to be played with on the water painting background
~Read the story from the Bible, and then paraphrased it in baby language
~Sang "My God is So Big" and "Peter, James and John in the Sailboat"
~Filled a pan with water and let Anna Kate walk in it to show her how her feet sink to the bottom, but Jesus' feet didn't!
~Took a bath and retold the story; she also got to bring her boat from her beach toys set into the bath with her!
She really seemed to enjoy all these activities despite a little bit of irritability because of her fever. And it gave us something to do to pass the time we normally spend at church! I should have taken pictures of her throughout the morning, but I didn't think about it, so these pictures of the finished project will have to suffice!
Ahhh, I hope the tummy girl feels better soon.