As far as I'm concerned (although I know you're all more interested in the baby!), I passed my blood sugar test and my iron test. No extra iron supplements or special diets for me! I was a little nervous about the blood sugar since the day before the test Luke came home with a half dozen Krispy Kreme donuts (they just opened a store about 20 min. from us). But all was well!
I have been feeling really well lately except for the occasional heartburn in the evenings and sudden leg cramps in the middle of the night. But that sure beats the 1st trimester all-day sickness! I feel like I'm really starting to get bigger now and definitely have to wear maternity pants/shorts. Baby is moving all the time and maybe I'm making it up, but it seems to me that she responds most quickly to Anna Kate's voice. Sometimes Anna Kate will come and put her hand on my stomach and say "baby" and as soon as I try to tell her that the baby is sleeping and not moving right now, she'll give AK a big kick!
Speaking of getting bigger, I'll leave you with a 24.5 week picture taken today.
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